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Heu, quel est l'intérêt d'un mappage uniquement algorithmique ? Quel est son objectif ?
Ha yes. Sorry, I misunderstood you. I thought you said the Inpaint Opposed was better than Guided Laplacian for RAF. And indeed, after checking, no Guided Laplacian nor Inpaint Opposed is provided for RAF. So, if Guided Laplacian is difficult to implement for RAFs, perhaps the better solution is to fetch the Inpaint Opposed from Darktable.
Could you attach a RAF file for which the "Inpaint Opposed" works better than Guided Laplacian in the Highlight Reconstruction module?
Yes. Aurelien fixed some important bugs with the cache and with the pipeline computation on changes that invalidated some expectations made by this module. He works currently on this module to fix that.
I'm taking advantage of the question about OpenCL to ask an additional one: some GPU supports OpenCL 3 whereas others supports OpenCL 2.1.What is the expectation of Ansel on the version of OpenCL?
Ha oui sklearn ... c'est un outil phare en IA avec Python. Je l'ai vue utilisé aussi en clustering de flux de données (CluStream, DenStream, etc.)
Heu ... je serai assez intéressé de savoir quels outils tu vas utiliser pour faire un tel apprentissage non supervisé. Si je comprend bien, ton système d'apprentissage machine va devoir, à partir d'une matrice représentant une image floue donnée, faire varier les différents paramètres en jeu dans le module Diffusion et Netteté jusqu'à obtenir de lui même la plus petite différence d'avec la référence (la matrice de l'image nette) ; ce calcul d'erreur ressemble en fait à un calcul de similitude, non ?
En effet, une interface simple pour les non matheux serait, de mon point de vue, intéressant. En tout cas, ce serait un bon moyen de poser le pied dans ce module.Ce serait intéressant d'avoir l'avis d'@Aurélien Pierre là dessus.
Hello et bienvenue.Que répondre à tes interrogations ... Pour le HDR, n'en faisant pas, je ne saurait quoi t'écrire. Quant au choix d'un éditeur RAW ... ben si tu cherches avant tout un outil rapide à prendre en main et facile à utiliser globalement, sans prise de tête, ART fait très bien l'affaire. Par contre, si les couleurs et leurs maîtrises sont très importants pour toi et que tu souhaites disposer d'outils plutôt avancés et aux effets physiquement réalistes, dans ce cas je pense que Darktable/Ansel répond très bien à ces exigences. Par rapport à ton expérience dans le club photo, ça ne me surprend pas. Et ce comportement est aussi visible dans les tutos sur Darktable que l'on peut trouver sur Youtube par exemple. Pour les habitués de Darktable ou autres éditeurs RAW, je ne suis pas surpris que les nouveaux modules relatifs à la scène ne fassent pas recette. En effet, les habitudes sont durs à changer lorsque l'on maîtrise un jeu précis de contrôles et que l'on a défini des recettes/presets/styles avec ceux-ci.
One thing I wish to have restored in the lighttable: the current number of images that are displayed. This is a meaningful information for me during the editing in a way I wish to know to how number of photos I reduced a given collection of images (according the goal of those photos: web site, book, zine, ...)
No, I refer to the editing process, id est the process in which is done a selection of images to keep for a peculiar project or series. In this case, generally stars are used, and in my case, each step of the process (that is usually performed in different days) a star is added until there is no more images to eliminate (I keep only the images with the more stars). Other users prefer to use colors for this process or a combination of colors and stars. Others ones use tags or collections instead in this process.Nevertheless, after thinking a little more about you have written, I understand the need to fix the starring of one or more images when in the darkroom. Indeed, stars can be also used other than for the editing. And indeed, this can be an interesting feature. For me, it is more the filtering of the images directly in the darkroom that hurts me as the darkroom isn't done for that and I fear an additional complexity of code and of UI.The lightroom/darkroom in Ansel/Darktable is a metaphor coming from the analog images development and printing: the lightroom is the place you are both managing your archives of images and filtering the ones you want to work on for a given project or a series. You want all of your images taken in 16mm? Do it in the lightroom and then keep some of them according to your own criteria. Then in the darkroom just process the images you have kept. If suddenly you want to change the filtering in the darkroom, then I think you are using the darkroom for a bad purpose; you aren't used it just to develop your images but both to do the editing and the processing intertwined.
For me photo management and the editing should be done in Lightable and not in darkroom. So staring has to be done in the Lightroom and not in the Darkroom. Each room have their own aim/functionality. The aim of the lightroom is for the collection management and, more important, for the editing. Editing shouldn't be done in the darkroom. As well as the filtering of the images to process as they have to be done in the Lightroom (it's one of its goal). And thankfully only the filtered images are accessible in the darkroom through the filmstrip! Without it, it would be a discrepancy to pass easily to one image to other one for their processing.+1 to naming colors.
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