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select Retouch module/select Shape/position & adjust/Compress history stack/select Retouch module/click on the Input shape. Input will now be applied.
  • 2577
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Open image in Darkroom/select Exposure/select Blending/select Drawn Mask/select Add Gradient/position Gradient/adjust ExposureNow look and watch in the Exposure Module where it says 'Drawn mask: 1 shape used'. While watching, click on Compress History Stack. ':no mask used'
  • 2506
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I switched Profile: 'sRGB' and now, ALL GOOD !
I have not touched any setting except 'target storage' location and 'set size'Profile : "same as original"
Color management ? 🤔Ansel uses your monitor profile, and if you export in sRGB color, then some color will change if they are outside of sRGBWhat color profile do you use to export ?
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I was wondering if anyone knew why a jpeg opened in other apps takes on a different appearance. 1. change in color on watermark. 2. lower brightness level. Original RAW rendering in Ansel in the centre.
  • 850
Solved, preferences were unchecked by default
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Al·pha ver·sion[alpha version]NounComputingA version of a piece of software that is made available for testing, before its general release.
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I often require an enlarged canvas. I always crop my portrait snaps to a 4:5. I do not like 2:3 portrait. In this sample, I do not want to loose any of the vertical real-estate. I would like to add canvas to the left.
  • 1468
"purely on the attitude" +1
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Is there a way to create and save a custom file opening history stack ?Currently, I have to change many of the opening defaults for every file I these are the steps I take before even starting to process the image...Highlight Reconstruction/Method:  Guided LaplaciansLens Correction:  Turn OffExposure:  Turn Off or Set to 0Filmic RGB/Options/Preserve Chrominance:  Set to NoColor Balance RGB:  Turn Off or Set all settings to 0Color Balance:  Turn OffMost of my picture files are of live music events with extreme dynamic range that always contain blown out highlights & lots of out of gamut colors
  • 1668