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Using Sony proprietary raw converter (Imaging Edge), but I remember to have seen something similar with Canon DPP, raw files converted to sRGB or AdobeRGB look different (even without out of sRGB gamut colors in the scene). I think this is due to different gamut mapping between native camera color space and sRGB or Adobe RGB.

This behavior made me think about the fact that gamut mapping curves are out of user control.

Back to Ansel, would it make sense to have a module that allows to control gamut compression, much like filmic RGB does with respect to luminance?

  • 431
    • You already have parametric gamut compression in color calibration. This will desaturate colors based on their chroma, using a power function. This was put there because, anyway, chromatic adaptation transform can and will push valid colors outside of gamut, especially the crazy LED blue.

      But ultimately, gamut is defined by color spaces which are defined by color profiles, and I believe that should be handled automatically when dealing with color conversions.

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